Allow me to sing the praises of my Quiksilver Synchro Vest, quite possibly the best $35 I've ever spent. 1.5 mm of sleeveless comfort. Especially on days like today - when I rolled out of bed this morning at 6:00, to the sound of our neighbor's rooster cock-a-doodle-doing its everfucking lungs out (yes, our neighbors have a rooster, in addition to three turkeys; welcome to Encinitas, let your freak and farmer flags fly), the temperature was already in the 70's, and there was a wet sheen over everything. It's been muggy for days, and it's one thing to have temperatures and relative humidity levels in the 80's when you live in an air-conditioned house, quite another when your home has no air conditioning and the insulating properties of an Amish barn. (Tune in this winter, when I bitch about how cold the place gets.)
I met up with Ted at the Tamarack parking lot. The ocean was like day-old Coke - warm and flat. We hung out for a bit; it became clear that things there weren't going to improve, so Ted opted for a swim. I opted for a coffee and hauled ass southward to Undisclosed Location (it's actually a fairly well-known spot, but why add more logs to the jam). There were a few knee-to-waist high waves; I avoided the mass of people crowded around a perceived peak, and had a few to myself. The Quiksilver vest was perfect; the water and the sun on my back kept me plenty warm. There was, unbelievably, a guy in a fullsuit in the lineup. Crazy.
ETA: 9:06 pm 8/21/07 - speaking of crazy...make sure you read the comments.