Best Novel: The Magicians, Lev Grossman
Best Album: Now We Can See, The Thermals
Best Movie: Inglourious Basterds
Best Inglourious Basterd:
Best Inert Gas: argon
Best Way To Cook A Steak: medium rare
Best Boy: man or woman responsible for running the lighting department on a film set.
Best Buy: a place that sells stereos and such.
Best Video Of A Fat Guy Jumping Into A Frozen Pond: FTW!
Best Whitesnake Tribute Band: Quitesnake.
Best Invertebrate of 2009: Again, this was tough, but the Pompeii worm (Alvinella pompejana) really stood out this year.
Best Source Of Material To Rehash On A "Best Of 2009" Blog Post: Twitter.
Best Vodka: Grey Goose.
Best Way To Drink Grey Goose: Frequently.
Best Dadblog: DadCentric. (Yes, I'm biased. But I'd put my fellow DadCentricians up against anybody. This seems like a good time to thank them for all of the excellent work they've done this past year; I'm humbled to be associated with them. In 2010, we'll be taking the site even further.)
Best Surf Contest: the 2009 Eddie Aikau Invitational.
Best TV Show I Shoulda Started Watching Earlier: Sons of Anarchy
Best Zombie-Related Pop Culture Offering: Zombieland
Best Non-Fiction Book That I Read This Year That Was Actually Published Last Year: The Forever War, Dexter Filkins
Best of Times: The name I would give to my Styx tribute band if I decided to form one.
Best Curse Word Beginning With The Letter "T": Twat. (Really, try it on someone, male, female, doesn't matter. It will enrage them.)
Best Local Band Name: The Goddamn Electric Bill
Best Thing About 2009: It's over.