First, an update. The post-weekend Movember (remember, kids - I ain't doin' this for shits and giggles. The 'stache is being grown for a Good Cause, and your donation is/would be/will be greatly appreciated) Action is looking like this:
Do Movember Rules allow for a mustache AND a soul patch? Eh, rules.
Of greater concern: I'm looking pretty friggin' haggard. Look at the expression. The bags under the eyes. The crow's feet. The Thousand Yard Stare.
That's a man who's been All Work, and No Exercise. And no Motivation.
For a while, I told myself that there were no new worlds to conquer. In my late 20's, there was Rock Climbing and Backpacking, culminating in a couple of crazy-ass solo trips. One was a solo trek around the upper rim of Yosemite Valley, me, a one-man tent, three days' worth of beef jerky, pita bread, bean dip, and Clif Bars. The other was a solo climbing trip to Joshua Tree National Park (during what would be the hottest weekend of the year - 115 degrees in the shade, dropping down to a chilly 95 degrees at night) - I scaled burning granite during the day, and I slept in the back of my truck at night, until a pack of coyotes went tear-assing through my campsite. (Then I slept sitting up in the passenger seat of my truck.) In my 30's, it was surfing - just about every day, dawn patrols and evening glass-offs, culminating in a hairy trip up the Lost Coast. I jumped back into karate several months back, but after a few not-so-minor injuries, my enthusiasm has waned.
I was racking my brain trying to come up with Reasons: moving into a new house and a new neighborhood. Change hit us like a tsunami; what once was has been swept away, and we've just now cleared out the debris and gotten the lights to work. Now come the aftershocks: the pressures of working 3 different jobs from home while trying to entertain an increasingly feisty 3-year-old and help guide an increasingly rambunctious 6-year-old through the roiling waters of first grade.
I tell myself it's what happens: you turn 40, and your responsibilities shift. But really, I look at that picture, that waxen sunken-eyed fuzzy-lipped me, and I know the truth. I've just gotten lazy.