I'm veering towards Not Being A Fan Of December. December's about everyone else. The holidays bring a weight. Everyone's expectations and disappointments form a ruck, and you're at the bottom of the pile, feeling those cleats raking your back. Add that to the ever-present spectre of Christmases Past - the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year has been forever marked by Lucas' fight with Kawasaki Disease, five years ago or yesterday, depending on our moods - and you get some serious blahs. Outside forces will do their very best to muck things up for us. It's a given. Happens every year, and this year, despite our best efforts, is no exception.
This would be the point where I'd say something like, "but you know, you can't let things get you down. You've got a lovely wife, two awesome kids:
...a day job, two pretty awesome writing gigs, slippers, a choice of several stylish yet functional baseball caps, tea tree shampoo, a few of those individual-sized mini-Gouda cheeses, Scott Pilgrim on Blu-ray, a comfy chair, a gas fireplace like one might find at a couples-only hotel at Niagara Falls, a skateboard, adequate socks, both eyes, three flashlights, avocados, a couple of books that I haven't read yet but have been meaning to, and a towel. So, in conclusion, if I were to offer any sage advice to people like myself who may be feeling a bit inadequate this time of year - perhaps you're feeling this as well - it would NOT be "dance like no one's watching". It would be "dance like people are watching but screw them. Also, we have a Party Goat."