I was supposed to be on a plane to New Orleans, where I was going to be attending Mom 2.0, speaking on a panel about dadblogging that I'd put together and pitched. I'd recruited a few of my best bloggin' pals to join me, and it was going to be glorious - us talking about our Mad Dadbloggin' Skillz, networking, carousing, building the brand, adding to the legend. But Real Life happens, and a series of events caused me to say so long to all that. One difference between a blogger and a journalist: to the journalist, the life revolves around the writing, to a semi-pro blogger, the writing usually revolves around the life.
Still, had I gone, I'd have missed the chance to interview Richard Blais this morning. I'd have missed the premiere of Game of Thrones on Sunday (which, Dear Readers, I shall be recapping as part of my return to the great MamaPop). And towering above all that, I'd have missed Beth's birthday, which we'll now be celebrating over the course of a few days, with a great meal at R Gang Eatery, owned by the generous and gregarious chef Rich Sweeney (definitely a Top Chef vibe in the air) tonight and some much-needed R & R at the La Costa Resort on Friday, rather than after the fact. I often tell myself that the Universe unfolds as it should, and you know, every so often, I'm actually right.