A little salt n' pepa:
So you'll get a more official and detailed announcement from my new employers next week, but the ink's dry on an agreement I signed with the folks at Babble. I'll part of a new dad venture that will be launching in a few days. Ironic, no? I'm sure I'll be hearing it from the usual trolls - I'm a sellout, phony, hypocrite, etc. Seems to me, though, that if one of the best known "parenting" sites on the Web is looking to change course and bring dads aboard the boat, joining the crew and participating in that process beats sitting on the shore and throwing rocks. (Also, when one of Time's Top 50 Websites For 2010 offers you a job, you thank them, pat yourself on the back for the work you've put in to get to this point, and say hell, yes.) Between that and everything else - I owe you guys a detailed description of the book, and you'll get it soon, promise - I'm probably gonna be adding a bit more gray to the above picture.